The Fourth Wall

  • Part 7: The Body’s Grace, A strategy from Rowan Williams

    To read the article that this post is summarizing with click here.  A friend told me that it has been said that these ten (or so) pages by Rowan Williams are the best ever written on sexuality.  That’s a helpful starting place.  William’s article is not explicitly about same-sex relationships.  It’s about sexuality.  For this…

  • Part 6: Slaves, Women, & Homosexuals

    Slaves, Women, & Homosexuals At the conclusion of my last I raised the hermeneutical question.  I’ll state it again here.  Is there interpretive reading strategy that takes into account the cultural context in which Paul and others are writing that allows us to supersede the univocal voice of Biblical writers?  The most obvious examples that…

  • Part 5: Paul’s conception of same sex relationships

    For all four of these posts on biblical texts, which are attempts at exegetical dialogue, I will be pairing Peter Gomes and Richard Hays as conversation partners.  Gomes, now deceased, was an American preacher and theologian, the Plummer Professor of Christian Morals at Harvard Divinity School as well as the University’s chaplain. Richard Hays was…

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